International Widows Day 

Paperback Release:

 June 23, 2023

About The Contributing Author

Rahsaan Middleton, Sr.

Rahsaan Middleton is a recent widower and solo parent of 5 active children who yearn for their mother’s presence every second of the day. His goal has been to be the best he can as a parent and to find ways to continuously attempt to fill an unfillable gap within himself and the lives of his children.

Rahsaan is a professional Clinical Software Architect, writing code for some of the largest healthcare technology organizations in the world, including the Department of Defense and Center for Disease Control. He is also a mentor and member of the 100 Black Men of America organization, currently serving as chairman of Economic Empowerment for the South California Inland Empire chapter. He is a seeker of truth with the goal of supporting and giving back to the communities he serves. .

His mission is to be the voice for widowers like him that inspires confidence, fortitude, and personal growth on their journeys forward after loss.

About The Anthology

 I began to wonder, is this really the narrative? So widows die in their black mourning clothes, but men replace their wives and move on… happy ever after? What about the pain? What about the deep healing that’s needed, and our children, who like me, ONLY want their mother? I continued to read book after book that ended this way. I saw new and old movies that depict that same narrative exactly and after the widower is remarried, the credits roll.

- Excerpt, Chapter "Fighting Forward, My OWN Way"

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